The Abundant Edge design criteria for a regenerative lifestyle
I get asked all the time about my design process and how it contributes to a regenerative lifestyle and a truly living home. Rather than answering each person individually, I’ve […]
I have a very knowledgeable and experienced guest from the world of natural building for ya’ll, Rohan Sutherland from Earthship biotecture is here to talk about one of the most famous and recognizable icons of the natural building movement in the last 30 years. Rohan began in international social and environmental work before getting involved with earthship biotecture after being inspired by their on the ground work around the world and the appropriate technology and design that they promoted.
Rohan has some amazing stories to tell from his international work, but more than anything he goes into great details about the systems and techniques that earthships exhibit and promote which facilitate off-grid, self sustainable living and integration of their structures with the environment.
In this interview we talk at length about indoor food production systems, water harvesting and reuse, and how earthships can be improved and adapted further by using more natural materials. Rohan even talks about the catch 22 of self sustainable living and how it can have a negative impact on community development and connection if not managed correctly. This is another very information dense interview so get your notebooks ready
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I get asked all the time about my design process and how it contributes to a regenerative lifestyle and a truly living home. Rather than answering each person individually, I’ve […]
Copyright Regenerative Skills 2021
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