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The essential skills and knowledge to become a regenerative water worker, with Zach Weiss and Nick Steiner

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For those of you following along from the last three episodes of this season so far, Iā€™ve been sharing the intimate details of my own journey along with my good friend Nick Steiner as weā€™ve gone around to visit a number of out clientā€™s projects in the south of Portugal and both gather essential data to inform our process and actually put that process into action implementing water retention features.Ā 

Weā€™ve seen examples of farms facing droughts and rural communities facing wildfire and working to recover from it. In last weekā€™s episode with Aline from La Casa Integral, I also explored what severe drought in my local community looks like and explored the actions both ecological and community oriented to set ourselves on a new path. 

Though water cycle restoration will always be a theme on this show, today’s episode is going to wrap up this personal deep dive for a little while. I believe that regular reflection on oneā€™s learning process is essential to continued progress and today Iā€™m joined by two people that have been major figures in my learning and growth, Nick Steiner of course, and Zach Weiss. Nick is of course the founder of Permanick water solutions and Zach is the founder of Elemental Ecosystems, project implementation company, and Water Stories his online teaching and community platform focused on building water solution awareness and education. Since both of them have appeared on this show quite a number of times Iā€™ll skip over their introductions and instead have linked to previous episodes with them in which we explore their backstories.

Weā€™re having this conversation at an important point for a couple reasons. Nick and I had just submitted out final project report in order to complete the professional certification, the highest tier of completion through the water stories training course, and Zach and the organization have just opened their training once again to new applicants. 

Together, the three of us reflect on our different learning journeys to get where we currently are. We discuss in depth both the obvious and less apparent skills that we each believe is essential for effective work in this space and in order to develop ourselves as true regenerative actors. 

Each one of us talks about our personal turning points and ā€œaha momentsā€ as well as mentors, growing pains, and areas in which we still need to improve. We cover different roles and responsibilities in the space of water restoration and how designing and installing ecosystem features is only one which we have a common passion for. We also recognize the need for so many other skill sets, experience bases, and focuses that are required to bring regeneration to the scale that is needed. 

I also really recommend that you listen to this one all the way till the end when Zach gives us a brutally honest review of our final project submission and critiques our work with no filter.

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