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How to


Exploring the world of natural regenerative health with naturopathic dr. and herbalist, Crystal Honeycutt, part 2: 078

Welcome back to part two in our series speaking with Crystal Honeycutt about the idea of regenerative health. Crystal is a naturopathic doctor and registered clinical herbalist who has been sharing incredible insights on the topics of nutrition, self-assessment and diagnosis and how to find out just what your body needs to maintain itself in top form. For more on Crystalā€™s background and superhero origin story you can listen to the beginning of last weekā€™s episode. In this session weā€™ll pick up where we left off and start to explore the topics of supplementation for faster recovery, the nuanced definition […]

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Exploring the world of natural regenerative health with naturopathic doctor and herbalist, Crystal Honeycutt, part 1: 077

Regenerative living can be a very wide and nuanced topic. Today weā€™ll start on a two-part journey into a tricky and sometimes controversial world of holistic health and what it means to experience regenerative well-being. My guest today, Crystal Honeycutt, is an accomplished naturopathic doctor and registered clinical herbalist who has been in private practice for more than 10 years specializing in chronic illness, stress, and trauma. Iā€™ve been a client of hers in the past and sheā€™s helped me immensely in my recovery from chronic digestive problems and through working with her Iā€™ve gotten a completely new perspective on […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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owner builder


The paradox of diversity and efficiency in permaculture enterprises and much more: RRT 7

Our baby goats, just a few days old One of the biggest challenges that we and many other peramculturalists face is how to balance the need for diversity and resilience in our ecosystems and enterprises and the need for efficiency and simplicity in their maintenance and operation. On this regenerative round table Neal and Oliver talk about their own experiences and mistakes along the way in finding this balance on the Abundant Edge farm as well as balancing the development needs of their site with the work they do for clients. Everything from moisture issues in hobbit houses to delivery […]

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Advancing permaculture knowledge at the whole community level with Geoff Lawton and Sam Parker-Davies from Zaytuna farm: 075

This is an interview Iā€™ve been looking forward to for a while now. I was fortunate enough to speak with two guests from opposite ends of the spectrum of permaculture learning. The first, Geoff Lawton, one of the original students of Bill Mollison and a permaculture designer and teacher for more than 30 years, and the second, Sam Parker-Davies, an intern with Geoff at Zaytuna farm in Australia who has jumped in deep with permaculture learning, especially at the community level. In this interview we talked in depth about the challenges and points of inspiration from each perspective and experience. […]

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Special Episodes
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How to


The Abundant Edge design criteria checklist part 2: 074

Welcome to part two of the Abundant Edge design criteria checklist. If you’re just tuning in now for the first time, I would recommend that you have a listen first to part one where we covered the goal and visioning exercise and the site analysis portion of our design criteria. Today we’ll be starting where we left off by diving into “invisible structures and moving through the list until we’ve formed an actionable strategy with well defined roles and expectations. Remember, this list isnā€™t meant to be a replacement for your own judgement or creativity as a designer, but it […]

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Special Episodes
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special episodes


The new “Abundant Edge design criteria checklist” is here. Jump-start your regenerative projects today with our free PDF guide: 073

The biggest challenge for our team here at Abundant Edge when it comes to holistic design is that there are just so many considerations. Climate and landscape data, clientā€™s wants and needs, economic constraints and many more can seem overwhelming but are crucial to creating designs that work in harmony with nature and solve real problems. This is why we put together our ā€œDesign Criteria Checklistā€ to help us remember some of the most important considerations and questions to ask when designing for individuals and organizations alike. This list isnā€™t meant to be a replacement for your own judgement or […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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business building


Bio ferments, slaking your own lime and the regeneration of coffee production: RRT 6

Here we are once again to talk about the progress, projects and challenges of building the Abundant Edge homestead. On this episode Neal and I are also joined by our good friend Tim Reher. Owner of Shangrila Coffee Roasters in San Marcos just one town over from us here on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. In this episode we talk about setting up our four animal compost factory and the benefits of inoculating soil with bio-ferments and compost teas. I break down the process of slaking our own quicklime to make the mortar for laying slate stone tiles without any cement, and […]

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From poverty to permaculture abundance, with Luwayo Biswick, director of the Permaculture Paradise Institute: 071

I try to keep my fingers on the pulse of whats going on in the world of permaculture, natural building and regenerative living, since after all thatā€™s the focus of this podcast, and as a result I find tons of inspiring projects and designers doing ground-breaking work around the world. One of the people and projects that have really caught my attention in the last two months is Luwayo Bizwick and his organization Permaculture Paradise Institute in Malawi. The scope of his projects and the impact heā€™s having on the agricultural practices in his country are truly inspiring. In this […]

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Respecting the diversity of permaculture and talking shop with Shad Qudsi and Zach Loeks: 070

This was an opportunity from a few months ago that I just couldn’t pass up. Two of my best friends and mentors in the world of permaculture, Shad Qudsi and Zach Loeks, came together to teach a Permaculture Design Certification course and we got to sit down in the middle to talk about a wide range of topics from respecting the diversity of permaculture, exploring regenerative land management sites in local communities around Guatemala, to different landscape and soil amendment challenges in different sites. It was an blast sitting down with these two on the Abundant Edge homestead with coffee […]

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The regenerative way to recover after a natural disaster with Rory Dickens of RecycleRebuild: 069

Climate change can manifest in many ways, but in the last 10 years the growing trend of increasingly severe storm seasons and natural disaster have grabbed headlines and displaced entire populations. The urgency of disaster relief is growing every year and the cost of the recovery efforts is skyrocketing. This is what lead me to speak with Rory Dickens, I was first introduced to Rory Dickens through John Bodnar, a former student of mine from our intro to natural building course who recommended that I get in touch with Rory to talk to him about the inspiring disaster relief projects […]

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