Regenerative living

The Abundant Edge design criteria checklist part 2: 074


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Neal and Oliver designing the house.jpeg

Welcome to part two of the Abundant Edge design criteria checklist. If you’re just tuning in now for the first time, I would recommend that you have a listen first to part one where we covered the goal and visioning exercise and the site analysis portion of our design criteria. Today we’ll be starting where we left off by diving into “invisible structures and moving through the list until we’ve formed an actionable strategy with well defined roles and expectations.

Remember, this list isn’t meant to be a replacement for your own judgement or creativity as a designer, but it reflects many of the criteria that have helped us the most and what we consider to be some of the most essential bits of information and observations that can be expanded on based on the needs of your clients (or your own projects). We are constantly updating and revising this list so feel free to let us know if there are other essential criteria missing from this list or considerations that you think are important.


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