Regenerative Round Table
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regenerative food


Re-foresting the land by preserving heirloom avocados, with Neal Hegarty and Shad Qudsi: RRT 5

I haven’t been this excited about a project in forever. On this month’s regenerative round table, I sit down with Neal Hegarty, co-founder of Abundant Edge, and Shad Qudsi, founder of Atitlan Organics, to get to scoop on our first community reforestation project and heirloom local avocado preservation effort. This has been the culmination of many years of observing the local ecology, and social fabric of our valley here in Tzununa and we’re opening the doors for groups and organizations to come and learn through practice. Before I give everything away, have a listen! Resources: Atitlan Organics Service Project Link […]

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Community building


Solving climate change in your yard with Ginny Stibolt, co-author of “Climate-Wise Landscaping: 67

Climate change is becoming a major disruptor of ecosystems all across the planet with disastrous effects in many cases. For that reason, I spoke with Ginny Stibolt, co-author of the book ā€œClimate-Wise Landscapingā€ to learn more about how we can transition our lawn centric and synthetic chemical heavy landscape maintenance practices into beautiful ecosystems that help to address the issues of climate change. In this episode, Ginny talks in depth about alternatives to lawns and how adding native species can bring beauty and health to your yard while sequestering carbon in the soil and attracting wildlife too. We talk about […]

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soil building


The balance between diversity and efficiency on your permaculture farm, with Shad Qudsi of Atitlan Organics: 066

Here we are again with one of my favorite guests, Shad Qudsi. Shad has been a good friend and mentor to me and our team at Abundant Edge for years now and is the Founder of Atitlan Organics, a profitable permaculture farm and education center here on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. If youā€™d like to hear more from Shad and his path to permaculture farming in Guatemala you can always check out our previous interview from season one in the link in the show notes for this episode. Iā€™ve invited Shad back today to help us tackle some of the […]

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Demystifying home-made bread and mythbusting gluten with Victoria Miller, author of “From No-Knead to Sourdough: 065

Bread has been a passion of mine for years. Ever since we tried making it for ourselves when I worked on trail crews in the national parks Iā€™ve been fascinated by how much better tasting home made bread is compared to the majority of whats available on supermarket shelves. I eventually worked as a baker for a small artisan bakery in Seattle and have been making my own bread for years now and even building earthen ovens to bake in, so this interview with Victoria Redhed Miller, author of the new book, ā€œFrom no-knead to sourdough: A simpler approach to […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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regenerative agriculture


Applying permaculture principles to your social business, and more with the founders of La Botica Verde: RRT 4

Welcome to a very special session of the Regenerative Round Table. Though Jeremy Fellows is away on a road trip through Mexico on his beloved bus sunny, weā€™re joined by two great friends and social entrepreneurs, Giuliana Gobbato and Michelle Sultan, founders of ā€œLa Botica Verdeā€ who we featured in an interview two weeks ago. In this episode we get into a ton of new topics including the difference between food sovereignty and food security, and which is healthier for our communities. We talk about getting ahead of the seasons and preparing for the installation of abundant systems, post-harvest workshops […]

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DIY kombucha and the delicious world of fermented drinks with author Andrea Potter: 063

This week weā€™re getting an in depth look at Kombucha and the world of fermented drinks. I spoke with Andrea Potter, the author of the book DIY Kombucha: Sparkling homebrews made easy. The recent explosion in popularity of this historic beverage comes at a critical time when more and more people are taking back their food making processes and starting to see whole nutritious food as a preventative measure for all kinds of illnesses. In this interview Andrea talk about the history, health benefits, and fermentation process of Kombucha and more importantly, how you can easily make it at home […]

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native plants


Getting high quality harvests to a larger audience in Guatemala, with the founders of “La Botica Verde:” 062

It’s hard to spread the word on regenerative farming and organic food when its impossible to get, so Neal Hegarty had a chat with Michelle Sultan and Giuliana Gobbato, the founders of “La Botica Verde” a social business that helps organic producers find buyers and a larger market for their goods. Each of them come from unique backgrounds and have teamed up to transform the limited food system in Guatemala, arguably one of the most ecologically rich countries in the world. They talk about their passions and inspirations behind the vision for their business as well as many of the […]

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Community building


Zach Loeks talks ecological rap, world wide regenerative projects and more: 061

Zach and I on my porch in Tzununa I donā€™t always have the pleasure of interviewing my guests in person but I was fortunate this time to be able to sit down with Zach Loeks, permaculture teachers and author of the book ā€œThe Permaculture Market Gardenā€ last week while heā€™s down here in Guatemala co-teaching a PDC with Abundant Edge and Atitlan Organics. In this episode we had the chance to talk about a lot of subjects we missed on my first interview with him back in season one. We explore the topics of putting ā€œcultureā€ back in permaculture and […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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regenerative design


Climate considerations, training new team members, and project planning: RRT 3

Hey everyone! We’re back with another regenerative round table with the whole Abundant Edge team to fill you in on the projects, challenges, and of course goats here on our regenerative homestead in Guatemala. In this session we talk about the work we’ve been doing on the landscape and the house over the last month, but also break down a few key concepts that have to be considered in any design such as the nuances of your climate. Neal and I talk about training new members of the team from our local community, and Jeremy breaks down why you should […]

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An intimate peek into the world of bees with Christy Hemenway, the author of “The Thinking Beekeeper:” 059

The world of honey bees has always been a mystery to me. I feel confident taking care of plants, animals, building and even fungi, but bees? In todays interview I spoke with one of the most outspoken advocates of beekeeping Christy Hemenway, found of Gold Star Honey Bees and author of the book ā€œThe Thinking Beekeeper: a guide to natural beekeeping in top bar hives.ā€ In this interview Christy introduced me to the way that bees have been managed at an industrial level and some of the many nuanced causes of colony collapse disorder. She also goes in depth about […]

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