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building materials


The intricacies of timber framing made simple with timber framing instructor Skip Dewhirst: 040

I’ve gotten a lot of requests over the last few months from people asking if I can do more on woodworking and especially timber framing, so today’s episode is for you good folks. Today I’ll be speaking with Skip Dewhirst, who has been a professional wood worker for more than 30 years and has taught over 100 classes in furniture making, woodworking, timber framing and natural building at places like Rocky Mountain Workshops, Dartmouth College, Rancho Mastatal, Bona Fide, and Mao Organic Farm in Hawaii. In this interview Skip talks about the differences between the main styles of timber framing […]

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Kicking off our demo farm and finding the “abundant edge” with Jeremy Fellows: 039

I’m really excited for today’s episode because I get to talk to a close friend of mine, Jeremy Fellows. Now Jeremy has been studying and working in permaculture for ten years and has tons of experience in botany, horticulture and soil science. He and I actually first met when we were hired to collaborate on a project for a client here in Guatemala and we’ve been friends ever since and have continued to work on lots of other projects. All this has lead up to the collaboration that he and I have with another team member of ours, Neal Hegarty, […]

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The infinite possibilities of light straw clay with Lydia Doleman from The Flying Hammer: 038

Our guest today is Lydia Doleman, an accomplished natural builder and educator as well as the founder of “flying hammer,” a natural building company based in southern oregon. The company focuses on pushing the boundaries of affordable and energy efficient housing, training people and communities in various building skills, and infusing the dreary urban fabric with structures that reflect beauty, sustainability and community. Lydia is also the author of “Light Straw Clay,” one of the volumes in the sustainable building essentials series which will be the focus of this interview. In this episode we go in depth about the world […]

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Why and how to build your own ponds with Robert Pavlis, author of Building Natural Ponds: 37

We’re really excited about today’s guest Robert Pavlis. Robert is a master gardener who has designed and cultivated his own world class private botanical garden on his property in Ontario, Canada and is the author of both gardening myths and building natural ponds. In today’s episode we’ll be focusing on natural ponds, and Robert’s successes and learning experience in mimicking nature to bring all the benefits of a pond into his garden environment. In this interview Robert talks in detail about the increased biodiversity both in the water and along the shores that a pond attracts. We go into pond […]

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social network


Mastering the educational side of permaculture and land management with Matt Powers, author of The Permaculture Student 2: 036

My guest today is Matt Powers, the inspirational author of The Permaculture Student, both 1 and 2. He’s also the creator of three successful kickstarter campaigns building advanced courses for permaculture designers as well as educators for many different age levels on a broad range of topics including regenerative landscape management, vegetable gardening, forest farming, and much more. In this interview Matt talks at length about the family emergency that caused him to change his priorities and the way he interacts with his food systems and landscape. He also gives invaluable advice on the most effective steps anyone can take […]

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reuse and recycle


The independence and empowerment of earth bag building with Atulya K Bingham, author of “Mud Mountain”: 035

Today I have a guest with a truly remarkable story and journey into natural building. Atulya Bingham is the author of “Mud Ball” and Mud Mountain, both of which cover her incredible experiences moving to the countryside in Turkey and learning to build her own home with earth bags. She has also written numerous educational manuals on earth bag building, clay plasters and much more as well as blogging about her experiences. In this interview Atulya talks about how she first moved onto her bare land in rural Turkey after some economic struggles and learned to do without the comforts […]

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Diversity and the importance of tree guilds with Brock Barker from “The Brockoli Patch” farm: 034

This week’s interview is with a good personal friend of mine who is an awesome farmer and experimenter with plants, especially trees. I first met Brock Barker through some mutual friends when he came down here to Lake Atitlan to co-teach on a PDC with some colleagues of mine. Now Brock is the founder and owner of “The Brockoli Patch,” a permaculture farm and orchard outside of Lafayete, Louisiana on which manages an incredibly diverse and productive landscape. In this interview Brock talks about how taking a permaculture course with the Bullock brothers in Washington state and seeing a mature […]

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Growing Food


How technology and chemicals have transformed farming in just one lifetime with Roland James: 033

This is gonna be a pretty special episode in that I’ll actually be interviewing a man who has seen an incredible transformation in “conventional” farming during his lifetime. My guest is Roland James, but to me he’s my Grandpa. Now Roland grew up in a small farming community in the midlands of England near the southern border of Wales. He well remembers the very first tractors coming onto his family’s farm in the early 1940s. Before then all of the fields were plowed with horses or oxen. As he grew up he took over the family farm and adapted to […]

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ecosystem regeneration


Taking permaculture based businesses to new heights holistically with Erik Ohlsen of The Permaculture Skills Center: 033

In this episode I got to interview one of my personal heroes Erik Ohlsen. Now Erik wears a lot of hats, he’s the founder and director of both Permaculture Artisans, a landscape and design company, and the Permaculture Skills Center, an amazing trade school based in sepastapol ca. Erik also writes and publishes books for adults and children with his company, Storyscapes. In this interview Erik talks in detail about how he’s built synergy and connection into all of his business endeavors. We talk about how he’s designed the courses for the permaculture skills center to include mentoring and the […]

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watershed regeneration


How to regenerate damaged and polluted waterways with Tom Duncan of Aquabiofilter: 032

I’m really excited about today’s guest. In this episode I’ll be speaking to Tom Duncan, one of the visionary leaders behind Aquabiofilter, a water cleaning and regeneration company based in Melbourne, AU. Tom has been involved in some of the most ambitious and successful watershed cleanup operations in history with major projects in China, Malaysia, and Australia that have helped to restore lakes, rivers and wildlife reserves. I became inspired by Tom’s work after seeing his webinar presentation on the Sustainable Design Masterclass with Neal Spackman and Raleigh Latham a few weeks ago and couldn’t wait to share his insights […]

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