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Zach Loeks on how to inegrate perennial plants in a market garden: Skill building call 2


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Welcome to the second of the Regenerative Skill Building calls that I host with Climate Farmers, a new organization working to promote regenerative agriculture across Europe. These calls are specifically designed for our growing community of farmers around the continent and regenerative agriculture consultants. We listen to their interests and concerns online and then reach out to the experts who can best answer them and offer guidance.

In this second call, I was joined by my good friend Zach Loeks who came to speak about his innovative permabed system of integrating perennial crops into the market garden for long term resilience in both the farm business and the site’s ecology. We cover skills for reading your landscape and imitating natural systems, and that’s all before we opened things up for listener questions. Zach has been a great contributor to this podcast over the years and was the first of my contacts to actually come out to Guatemala where I used to live and teach a permaculture design certification with me and the team at Atitlan Organics.  So be sure to check out some of the previous episodes I’ve done with him in the past at regenerativeskills.com where you’ll also find links to where you can buy his books with an exclusive discount code in the show notes for this episode. So let’s get started.  

If you’re interested in signing up for any of the great courses from ecosystem.com including Food Guild Design, Home Garden Pro, Permabeds, and Community Food Security, I’ve got links to all of them on the show notes page for this episode. Full disclosure, I do get a small commission if you buy through this link, but you also get a significant discount and it’s a great way to support this show without having to donate directly. 

Join the discord discussion channel to answer the weekly questions and learn new skills with the whole community


Check out the great list of courses in ecosystemu.com and get big discounts by signing up through the links here. You’ll love Food Guild Design, Home Garden Pro, Permabeds, and Community Food Security




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