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Building soil on a large scale and going beyond permaculture with Darren Doherty of Regrarians Ltd. Episode 017


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My interview today is with one of the designers and change makers that has most influenced my own approach to professional projects and regenerative landscape development. Darren Doherty is the founder of Regrarians Ltd. Based in Bendigo Australia and he has extensive experience in project design, development, management and training. He’s worked on 6 continents and nearly 50 countries in mostly broad-acre agricultural applications. The Regrarian’s purpose that he promotes is to provide the potential for people to be informed about the regenerative economy, whether it involves their work in agriculture, land management, corporate life, domestic services, manufacturing or other activities that are within the reasonable domain of humans.

In this episode Darren talks extensively about the innovative platform and ethics that his organization promotes, how he got started as a landscape designer and began teaching with Bill Mollison the co founder of permaculture, and he gives essential advice on how to build soils that are counter intuitive to how many people have learned with mulch and compost. This is another really in depth interview and I’d advise having a note book on hand as Darren goes into detail about a lot of the science behind soil building and carbon sequestering in a regenerative landscape.

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