Regenerative living

Leveraging the block chain and decentralization for environmental regeneration with Gregory Landua of Regen Network: 118


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Building on the theme of profitable ecosystem regeneration, I spoke to Gregory Landua, CEO and co-founder of the Regen Network. Gregory has worked in ecosystem regeneration for a while. Formerly working as the CEO of Terra Genesis, nova chocolate, the Regrarian’s platform and Gaia University. He is also the co-author of the groundbreaking book Regenerative Enterprise: Optimizing for Multi-Capital Abundance, and of The Levels of Regenerative Agriculture,

In this interview Gregory gives an overview of what the Regen network is and aims to accomplish. Specifically, we explore the roles of decentralized technology including the emerging potential of the blockchain to create secure networks that facilitate collaboration, consensus, agreements, and community. We also talk about what systemic changes would need to happen to make permaculture type stewardship of the land our default as a culture rather than a fringe practice. Gregory also explains how technology can be leveraged for connecting people to crucial information and to reach communities that have been left behind in the industrialized information age.

Though we don’t cover the job market in detail in this episode, I’m hoping that this conversation could inspire those of you who have studied or who work in IT and programming to see some ways that you could use your skills and experience to work towards environmental restoration and regeneration. We certainly need everyone’s contributions in this effort and gardening and farming are by no means the only ways to help.

The exploration of how technology can be harnessed for a global shift in consciousness and renewed cultural priorities is a topic that I’ll be increasingly exploring on this podcast and I would love to hear from any of you listening if you have information or ideas on how the incredible power of technology can be used to buck the trend that has been disconnecting us from our natural world and our local communities. Or, if you believe that technology can only facilitate disconnection, what alternative solutions are there to our increasing dependence on digital connectivity that you might propose? You can post comments and feedback on the website or email me directly at I really hope to continue this exploration with all of you.


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Buy the book Regenerative Enterprise: Optimizing for Multi-capital Abundance

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