building materials

The intricacies of timber framing made simple with timber framing instructor Skip Dewhirst: 040


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I’ve gotten a lot of requests over the last few months from people asking if I can do more on woodworking and especially timber framing, so today’s episode is for you good folks. Today I’ll be speaking with Skip Dewhirst, who has been a professional wood worker for more than 30 years and has taught over 100 classes in furniture making, woodworking, timber framing and natural building at places like Rocky Mountain Workshops, Dartmouth College, Rancho Mastatal, Bona Fide, and Mao Organic Farm in Hawaii.

In this interview Skip talks about the differences between the main styles of timber framing around the world, box framing, cruck framing and aisled framing, the many types of joints and tools used in the trade, and even gives practical advice for owner-builders and novices starting out. We go deep into different infill materials and techniques for the wall systems and the different considerations to take into account if you’re building in a cold or hot climate.

There are a lot of technical terms in this episode and a lot of explanations of techniques that are might not make sense unless you see pictures, so I’ve put a whole list of resources and visual aids in the show notes on the website to make it easier to follow along, so just go to and click on the podcast tab in the navigation bar to find this and all previous episodes.

links to different tools, reviews and pictures

Diagrams of different joints and terms

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yestermorrow design/build school

Rancho Mastatal

timber frame HQ

the timber framer’s guild

hawaii timber frame course

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