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Profitable permaculture market gardening with Zach Loeks, the author of “The Permaculture Market Garden:” 024


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My guest today is Zach Loeks. The owner of the 50 acre Kula Permaculture farm in the Ottawa Valley of Ontario, Canada. There they run a local CSA, grow over 100 varieties of vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts and trees , and even offer yoga retreats and children’s summer camps. Zach is also the author of the book “The Permaculture Market Garden” which is an in depth guide to the techniques that he’s developed and refined over many years of running this multifaceted and profitable farm.

In this interview Zach talks about how growing up on a permaculture homestead in northern New Mexico helped to give reference as he developed and grew Kula farm. He also talks in detail about his permabed system designed, profit resilience, and finding a balance between the diversity needed in a permaculture farm and the focus and efficiency needed to make a profit. This interview is chalk full of practical advice and information that you can take and apply to your own gardening project no matter what the size, so grab a notebook and I’ll turn things over to Zach.

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