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rainwater harvesting

19 Results / Page 2 of 3

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How to repair the hydrological cycle of a landscape: Expert panel 7

Welcome to the seventh of the monthly expert panel discussions. As I mentioned before, each month Iā€™ll be hosting discussions and debates between some of the most prominent voices in regenerative agriculture, soil science, restoration land management and more. In this session I hosted a discussion on the importance of […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 2189

How to


How to plant the rain in drylands and beyond, with Brad Lancaster, author of the Rainwater Harvesting books

In the last handful of episodes weā€™ve explored permaculture earthworks for water harvesting landscapes and keyline design on large scales. As a complement to those topics I got in touch with Brad Lancaster, the author Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, volumes one and two which have recently been re-released […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 1540

regenerative agriculture


Making the most of your water on any farm, with Mark Shepard, Author of “Water for Any Farm”

Since the last two episodes focused on earthworks, specifically water retention and catchment features, I wanted to revisit one of my favorite interviews that really helped me to understand the fundamentals of keyline design and how many different configurations it could take, even on the same piece of land. The […]

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A guide to resilient living wherever you are

Welcome to another special episode! This week weā€™ll be wrapping up the series on modern homesteading by reviewing some of the most important information from the last 7 interviews. In those episodes we covered a ton of exciting topics from some of the best authorities in their fields from animal […]

  • 633

appropriate technology


Natural regenerative housing for veterans with Ted Brinegar of Foxhole homes: 054

Todayā€™s guest, Ted Brinegar, is pushing the boundaries of natural and regenerative low-cost housing with his non-profit organization called ā€œfoxhole homes.ā€ These earthship-inspired homes are designed to serve the needs of homeless veterans, but also to help redefine what kind of lifestyle thatā€™s possible on a very limited income. Foxhole […]