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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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How to


Turn your orchard into a resilient ecosystem with these steps! From Stefan Sobkowiak of Miracle Farms: 143

Weā€™ve covered so many different ways to approach reforestation, both with native species and mixes of natives and orchard trees. In todayā€™s session I wanted to focus on fruit orchards and I got to speak with the wizard behind Miracle Farms and the film, ā€œThe Permaculture Orchardā€ Stefan Sobkowiak. Iā€™ve […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 911



Why forests are key to the future of agriculture, with Darren Doherty, co-author of the Regrarian’s Handbook: 142

The last time I caught up with Darren Doherty for this podcast was back in season two. We talked a lot about his background and entry into ecological agriculture and how that journey informed his development of the Regrarianā€™s platform and outlook on the potential of regenerative farming. I recently […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 653


A strategy for a global shift to perennial agriculture, with Professor Peter Kahn from Rutgers University: 140

In all the research Iā€™ve been doing for this ongoing series on reforestation and agroforestry Iā€™ve struggled to find any reports or serious articles that outline the potential steps to transition the worldā€™s agricultural model on a large scale from one thatā€™s based on annual crops and the intensive cultivation […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 363
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regenerative design


Alley cropping as a remedy for slash and burn agriculture with James Potter from the Indga Foundation: 138

The first three interviews in this ongoing series on reforestation and agroforestry have highlighted small personal projects on private land, each with a different person in south or mesoamerica whose primary motivations are to restore the forests and biodiversity of their land. In all three cases producing a viable agricultural […]