  • 434

High Quality Food


Creating a healthy ecosystem within through holistic nutrition with Breanne Gibson of Circular Nutrition: 049

Wow! Here we are on the last episode of season 1 and I have a really valuable interview for all of you to wrap up the season. Over the last year we’ve talked so much about the regeneration of landscapes and ecosystems through permaculture as well as natural building techniques and materials, but to end on a bit of a different note, I spoke with Breanne Gibson, founder of Circular Nutrition to talk about some unexpected ways to apply holistic design and living practices to our own lives. Breanne is a leading holistic nutritionist, live food expert, and permaculture practitioner […]

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  • 469



Permaculture earthworks demystified with Douglas Barnes, author of “The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook:” 048

My guest today is here to demystify one of the aspects of permaculture design that I hear the most questions about, but also one of the issues that I see folks most entrenched in their viewpoints about. I’m talking about earthworks; one of the first aspects that people implement and the most permanent change made in a landscape. Today I’ve got Douglas Barnes, author of “permaculture earthworks” and owner director of EcoEdge Design Ltd. to answer our questions and take the guess work out of the subject of terrain changes. In this interview Douglas talks about the best way to […]

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  • 493

rammed earth


The myriad technologies and innovations of earthships with Rohan Sutherland: 047

I have a very knowledgeable and experienced guest from the world of natural building for ya’ll, Rohan Sutherland from Earthship biotecture is here to talk about one of the most famous and recognizable icons of the natural building movement in the last 30 years. Rohan began in international social and environmental work before getting involved with earthship biotecture after being inspired by their on the ground work around the world and the appropriate technology and design that they promoted. Rohan has some amazing stories to tell from his international work, but more than anything he goes into great details about […]

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  • 678

How to

The Abundant Edge design criteria for a regenerative lifestyle

I get asked all the time about my design process and how it contributes to a regenerative lifestyle and a truly living home. Rather than answering each person individually, I’ve decided to make this one into a podcast and blog post that you can read on the website under the “news” tab in the navigation bar. I’ll certainly get deep into the design process in this episode and there’s even a free PDF of the Abundant Edge building design criteria available as a free download on the show notes for this episode on the website, but before I go into […]

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Regenerative living


The Abundant Edge design criteria for a regenerative lifestyle, with the free PDF design criteria list: 046

In this special episode I’ll be giving a detailed look at the design criteria that we use here at Abundant Edge to work on all kinds of regenerative projects. What’s important to know about the design criteria list is that it’s meant to be a concise and easy-to-follow guide to making responsible and insightful choices. The list is constantly evolving and updating with the experience gained by the Abundant Edge team and I. Keep an eye out for updated and revised versions in the future as we refine our systems and processes. And if any of you have questions for […]

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Permaculture chocolate, the highest quality anywhere in the world with Lorenzo Maniet of El Porvenir cacao farm: 045

This is one of the most delicious applications of large scale permaculture I can think of. Just the idea of chocolate, cardamom and coffee makes my mouth water. In this episode Neal Hegarty of Abundant Edge interviews Lorenzo Maniet, the owner and director of El Porvenir cacao finca in Guatemala. El Porvenir is the most impressive agroforestry system you’ll ever find in which large scale cacao, cardamom, and coffee production are grown in the shade of larger hardwood trees for the best health of each species. Lorenzo has taken great care to save “criollo” or indigenous species of cacao from […]

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  • 478



The beauty and usefulness of bamboo, with Charlie Rendall of “Return to the Forest:” 044

I’m especially happy to bring you today’s interview because I’ll be speaking with one of the natural builders who’s most influenced and helped me out to get to where I am today running a profitable natural building and regenerative design company. His name is Charlie Rendall and he’s the owner of Return to the Forest, a natural design and building firm in the next town over from me in San Marcos la Laguna here in Guatemala. For 13 years Charlie has been living in this little lake-side community and first started learning to build while working on structure on his […]

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  • 565

business building


Joel Salatin like you’ve never heard him before, on his new book “Your Successful Farm Business:” 043

Most of you will already be familiar with the name Joel Salatin and his immense and incredible work with Polyface farm and all of his books, but you’ve probably never thought of him primarily as a businessman. In this episode we get to talk to Joel about his new book “Your Successful Farm Business” which he describes as a graduate level resource for anyone aspiring to make a living in a regenerative land based enterprise. This book is heavy on the entrepreneurial side of farming and covers everything from direct marketing to maximizing the efficiency of your operations. Joel also […]

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  • 1662

perennial plants


The unique factors of a true profitable permaculture farm with Richard Perkins of Ridgedale farm: 042

This is honestly one of my favorite interviews that I’ve yet done and I’ll tell you why. In this interview I got to talk with one of my heroes in the regenerative farming world, Richard Perkins. Many of you probably already know Richard and Ridgedale farm from all of the amazingly informative videos and seminars he’s put out on YouTube. I came across Richard about 8 months ago and nearly binge watched all of his material online. In just a few short seasons, Richard and a small team have taken a severely degraded small farm in northern Sweden at 59 […]

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  • 746



The most impressive permaculturalist you’ve never heard of. Alex Kronick of Caoba Farms: 041

I have an unusual interview for ya’ll today since I actually wont be the one conducting the interview. Instead, Neal Hegarty, one of the lead designers and team members here at Abundant Edge will be taking the reigns since he’s actually known Alex Kronick of Caoba farms in Antigua Guatemala for years and is good friends with him. Now I call Alex, the most impressive permaculturalist you’ve never heard of because he likes to keep a low profile, but to his credit, his farm and enterprises are truly impressive. He co-manages an incredibly diverse biointensive market garden within the town […]

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