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Simple Steps for Using Water Better and Smarter

It is no secret that fresh water resources on this planet are increasingly under threat. Even in regions that don’t have to worry about drought, contamination, and waste are still threatening access to clean water. According to the World Water Council, while the human population tripled in the 20th century, […]

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Natural Building

The Real Cost of a Natural Building

Many of the misconceptions about the cost of natural buildings come from the large number of variables that have to be considered when planning a project. With industrial construction, detailed plans call for industrial products which usually cost roughly the same amount everywhere in the country, and in some cases, […]

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Natural Building

Adobe: The Tradition and Techniques of Mud Bricks

Our current culture’s desire for new and innovative ways of doing everything has created many technological and lifestyle improvements, but as a result, many perfectly good and well suited technologies have also been abandoned to the detriment of our culture and the environment. For example, modern and industrial construction techniques […]

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owner builder

Interview With a Natural Builder: Jan Afton

One week before this interview Carole Crews introduced me to a friend of hers she thought I’d be interested to meet. We met Jan Afton on a tempestuous afternoon as the three o’clock thunderstorms started to roll in. she invited us into her small adobe home which looked like a […]