regenerative agriculture

A holistic view of health to reach your optimal performance, with Dr Gerrit Keferstein

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Today I’m going to dive deeper into the broad topic of holistic health and wellness for this ongoing series that I started with Richard Perkins a couple weeks ago. In this episode we’re going to take a step back and analyze wellbeing with a perspective from the world of high performance athletics. 

Now I would imagine that for many of you this probably sounds a bit off-brand in comparison to my usual focus on ecological restoration and farming, but bear with me. Even though my guest today, Dr. Gerrit Keferstein’s studies focused on health and high performance in sports, his work has expanded significantly in his current practice to include a much more holistic view of wellness that touches on the esoteric, social, mental, and other broad contributors to a whole picture of what contributes to our health. 

Since we spend the first part of the session going into Gerrit’s background and studies, I’ll keep the intro short by saying that he is a doctor, coach and scientist with many years of national and international experience in professional and competitive sports, as well as in the treatment of chronic diseases. He’s also the founder and director of the MOJO Institute. To give you a small idea of what the institute is about I’ll quote from the two beliefs that the MOJO Institute was founded on. 

The first belief is that health is more than the mere absence of disease. We expect more than the health insurance-prescribed supply status of “sufficient”. We want optimal. Our acute medical system is of course not designed for this. It performs other tasks. And at that it is excellent. Nevertheless, there is a need for supplementary offers in the healthcare market – today more than ever.

The second belief is that man is not a machine, but a biological being. The body can therefore neither be repaired nor tuned. One just adapts to the challenges of their environment – positive and negative. And of course one is dependent on the resources available to them. These are two parameters that we can work on: Optimizing the challenges and the resources.
Hopefully you can now understand why I was thrilled to get a chance to dive into this holistic understanding of health. 

Before we get started you’ll probably notice at the beginning of this interview that we don’t start out as formally as I often do on this show. That’s because Gerrit and I kicked off right away in getting to know one another and he had a lot of good questions for me in the beginning that I wanted to include, and by the time we got into the line of questions I had prepared I figured it was valuable enough to leave it all in, so with all that said, let’s start from the beginning.

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