Regenerative living

Investing in regeneration: how to rethink your wealth


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On this show I’ve often taken a strong focus on the actions that we can all take to restore ecosystem function and productivity, whether it be planting trees in an agroforestry system, repairing the hydrology of a landscape, or building our homes with natural materials. I’ve centered around these topics because frankly, they’re the ones I have most experience with and can speak about with some confidence, but there are also many other angles on regeneration that are equally important. 

Many of you will agree with me that, as essential as it is to get out there and work in nature directly, planting trees is only useful if there isn’t someone right behind you coming to chop them down. Worrying about how ethically your food is sourced doesn’t do much good when we waste a third of it. Oftentimes the harm of the industries and actions that we inadvertently support more than undo the positive steps we fight to take. 

That brings me to the focus of today’s episode which is on Regenerative investing, and the compelling story of Marco Vangelisti, the founding member Slow Money, a nonprofit that is centered around no-harm investing. 

We’ve long been told that we as consumers vote with our money. The decisions we make about what to buy is equivalent to what we support and what we want to see more of, but most of our daily shopping is a drop in the bucket compared to the amounts of money being invested in speculative markets and commodity trading. This is the money that often determines the expansion of industries and new operations. It’s the banking and investing sectors that are funding the destruction of our planet, but I’ll let Marco tell you how and when this all connected for him. 

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