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Working with nature to build soil health, with Robert Pavlis

After last weekā€™s session with Matt Powers, I want to add a second perspective on soil and the new science behind how we can restore it to health in our own gardens. For that perspective I got back in touch with Robert Pavlis who was first on this show a few seasons ago to talk about building natural ponds. Robert has been an avid gardener for over four decades. He is the owner and developer of Aspen Grove Gardens, a 6-acre botanical garden that features over 3,000 varieties of plants. As a specialist in soil science, he has been an […]

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regenerative agriculture


The fascinating new science of regenerating soil, with Matt Powers, author of “regenerative soil”

Now that I’ve wrapped up the series on waterway regeneration, I wanted to transition into a two episode deep dive into an essential component of water cycle health and how it affects the land by analysing the most elemental component of a healthy ecology, and that of course is soil. Thereā€™ve been a ton of new developments and research in this field in a very short time as scientists and agronomists alike are uncovering new insights into mineral cycles, the soil food web, plant and mycological relationships, and so much more.  Now you could sort through a small library of […]

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Waterway regeneration
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Regenerating lakes and ponds with floating islands, with Bruce Kania of Floating Island International

Weā€™ve covered a ton of angles to this topic already, from fixing broken water cycles on the land with keyline planning and earthworks, to marine ecosystem restoration through conservation and even farming. In todayā€™s episode I got to speak with Bruce Kania of Floating Island International which developed their patented Biohaven floating island technology as a solution to algae-ridden and nutrient impared waterways since 2005. Since then theyĀ“ve launched over 9,000 island systems worldwide as solutions to a variety of problems facing contaminated water.  In this interview Bruce breaks down the chemical and biological processes that happen in the water […]

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Waterway regeneration
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watershed regeneration


Reviving urban waterways with floating wetlands, with Galen Fulford from Biomatrix Water

Welcome back friends and family to this ongoing series on waterway regeneration. In the past three episodes I focused on marine regeneration through conservation as well as farming. Today we’re going to take a look at fresh water systems and specifically, how to decontaminate them through biological methods. I’ll be sure to put a link to that interview in the show note on the website in case you missed it.  Some of you may remember an interview I did with Tom Duncan about his floating wetlands and how they can be used to clean up excessive nutrients and pollutants back […]

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Waterway regeneration
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Regenerating coral reefs with art and community, with Celia Gregory of the Marine Foundation

Welcome back friends and family to this ongoing series on waterway regeneration. Weā€™ve covered so many approaches to this subject up until now, and over the last two weeks Iā€™ve been exploring regenerative solutions to the environmental degradation of marine ecosystems. Today weā€™ll be looking closely at some creative ways of protecting and even reseeding coral reefs in my interview with Celia Gregory.  Celia is the founder of the Marine Foundation, an Eco-arts organisation that uses art for change – not only in awareness and education, but also directly on the restoration of coral reef habitats, fish stocks, and associated […]

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High Quality Food


9 steps for overall health and a strong immune system

A quick note before we get into it.  No supplement, diet, or lifestyle modification ā€” aside from physical/social distancing, and practicing proper hygiene ā ā€” has been proven to protect you from catching COVID-19. The strategies outlined below may boost your immune health and overall health, but they donā€™t protect specifically against COVID-19. Also, Iā€™m not a doctor or medical professional. These recommendations are based on research Iā€™ve done and a lot of common sense. While the benefits will vary person to person, none of them come with any associated dangers or risk of side effects. I also donā€™t endorse or […]

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Waterway regeneration
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The massive potential in marine permaculture, with Brian Von Herzen

Continuing today with this ongoing series on waterway regeneration and a deep dive into marine ecosystems, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brian Von Herzen.  Brian is an ocean scientist, engineer and entrepreneur, though much of his career has been in Silicon Valley where he developed innovative technical solutions for companies like Pixar, Dolby and Microsoft. Brian is also the founder and Executive Director of the non-profit The Climate Foundation, an institute working to regenerate life in the worldā€™s oceans and reverse global warming within our lifetimes. Through Brianā€™s work with the Climate Foundation, heā€™s been promoting the concept […]

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