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Regenerative living


Is it Realistic to Produce All Your Own Food? with Deborah Niemann, author of “Homegrown and Handmade”

Continuing with this ongoing series on homesteading, I reached out to Deborah Niemann, the author of many books including ā€œHomegrown and Handmade, Eco-thrifty, Just Kidding and Raising Goats Naturallyā€ which is now in its second edition. She also blogs at, hosts the podcast ā€œFor the love of goats’ ‘ and co owns Antiquity Oaks, a small farm in Cornell, Illinois. Like nearly everyone in this interview series, Deborah didnā€™t grow up on a farm or a homesteading lifestyle at all. Her transition to a healthier and more earth connected way of living lead her to teach others how to […]

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regenerative agriculture

What you NEED to know about the state of the World’s Forests

After 11 interviews with experts on native reforestation, holistic orchard management, water retention landscapes, perennial crop agriculture and more, I learned a lot of new things about the state of the world’s forests and the tools and knowledge we have to regenerate them. I wrote this article originally as a special episode for the podcast, so be sure to check out the Reforestation and Agroforestry series if youā€™d prefer to listen to this information and hear clips from the people interviewed.  To wrap-up the series in this article, Iā€™ll break down some of the information and statistics that will help […]

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wild food/medicine


Essential things to consider when making the shift to a homesteading lifestyle, with Natalie Bogwalker of Wild Abundance

In the past Iā€™ve done a lot of episodes focusing on specific skills and enterprises that people integrate into a regenerative lifestyle, but in this series Iā€™m going to be speaking with people whoā€™ve put a bunch of those pieces together into a lifestyle centered on positive interactions with nature and a move towards self sustainability.  Homesteading is a general term that originally comes from the homesteading acts in the United States which were a series of laws enacted between 1862 up until the 1930s which allowed an applicant to acquire ownership of government land or otherwise public land for […]

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Special Episodes
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11 Inspiring Examples to Give You Hope That the World’s Forests can be Regenerated

After 11 interviews with experts on native reforestation, holistic orchard management, water retention landscapes, perennial crop agriculture and more, I learned a lot of new things about the state of the world’s forests and the tools and knowledge we have to regenerate them. In this special episode wrapping up the series on reforestation and agroforestry Iā€™ll break down some of the information and statistics that will help you understand the major role that forests play in maintaining a healthy climactic balance on earth. Iā€™ll also break down how both past and current practices have put forests at risk all over […]

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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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how to grow a mature Native forest in just a few years, with afforestt founder Shubhendu Sharma: 146

Welcome to the last interview in the Reforestation and Agroforestry series. Weā€™ve covered so many important aspects of this topic in 10 interviews over 4 months. Iā€™ve spoken to homesteaders regenerating cloud forests in tropical climates, tech companies with more than 20 tree planting initiatives around the world, agroforestry and orchard advocates and everything in between, and this last conversation is the icing on the cake. If youā€™ve ever wondered how to restore a mature native forest in record time and on a modest budget, this is the episode for you, because today Iā€™ll be speaking with Shubhendu Sharma, a […]

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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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cold climate


Mark Shepard on how to make the most of your water on any farm

Welcome everyone to the first episode of a brand new season of the Abundant Edge podcast. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m starting the fourth year of this little pet project that I had three years ago after I had just moved to Guatemala and was wrapping up an internship on bamboo building, and now here I am, having moved to north eastern Spain and with more than 50 thousand of you incredible folks tuning in to this show every month from all around the world. Iā€™m so happy to be able to keep this show going and Iā€™m really excited to […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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regenerative design


Checking in with Granja Tz’ikin and the season finale, with Neal Hegarty: 144

Here we are! The end of 2019 and season three of this podcast. For those of you whoā€™ve been following this show for a while you know that I went through a lot of big changes this year, most notably a big move from the permaculture farm startup that I worked on for for about 16 months in Guatemala. From there I took some big trips through southern Mexico and the US and a bit in Canada to where I finally settled down in the Catalonia region of north easthern Spain. Though I live really far away from where I [...]

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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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regenerative agriculture


Turn your orchard into a resilient ecosystem with these steps! From Stefan Sobkowiak of Miracle Farms: 143

Weā€™ve covered so many different ways to approach reforestation, both with native species and mixes of natives and orchard trees. In todayā€™s session I wanted to focus on fruit orchards and I got to speak with the wizard behind Miracle Farms and the film, ā€œThe Permaculture Orchardā€ Stefan Sobkowiak. Iā€™ve been a fan of Stefanā€™s work for a while and have spent a lot of time on his excellent youtube channel where he offers tons of tutorials and solutions to practical aspects of managing a whole ecosystem around his orchard enterprise. In this interview we break it all down from […]

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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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Why forests are key to the future of agriculture, with Darren Doherty, co-author of the Regrarian’s Handbook: 142

The last time I caught up with Darren Doherty for this podcast was back in season two. We talked a lot about his background and entry into ecological agriculture and how that journey informed his development of the Regrarianā€™s platform and outlook on the potential of regenerative farming. I recently caught up with him again to investigate the new chapter of the Regrarianā€™s handbook which he and his team just released. Chapter 5 of the 10 in the book which are being relseased one by one in digital format on their website focuses on forests and all the configurations that […]

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Reforestation and Agroforestry
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Even the driest deserts can be regenerated. Here’s how! With Neal Spackman of the Al Baydha project: 141

I had the pleasure of catching up again with Neal Spackman, one of the primary designers and organizers of the Al Baydha project in Saudi Arabia. The Al Baydha project began in 2009 with a long list of lofty ambitions. Among them they aimed to improve the local economy, act as a model for sustainable development in the Arabian Peninsula, reduce dependence on government handouts for the community, and store and harvest rainwater in the landscape through the restoration of the savannah ecosystem which had been desertified in only a few decades. This is the second interview Iā€™ve done with […]

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