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The genius of plant adaptation to stress in their environment, with Harriet Mela and James White

A couple weeks ago I had a wonderful conversation with my good friend Harriet Mela, the independent researcher from Austria who has helped push the boundaries of soil science and plant physiological understanding. We focused last time on how plants handle water stress, specifically drought and the management practices that can either help or inhibit their natural adaptation to this stress. Harriet also made it clear that she had a lot more to say on this topic and behind the scenes we talked about how to frame another discussion. In that time I shared a link to research done by […]

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A holistic view of health to reach your optimal performance, with Dr Gerrit Keferstein

Today Iā€™m going to dive deeper into the broad topic of holistic health and wellness for this ongoing series that I started with Richard Perkins a couple weeks ago. In this episode weā€™re going to take a step back and analyze wellbeing with a perspective from the world of high performance athletics.  Now I would imagine that for many of you this probably sounds a bit off-brand in comparison to my usual focus on ecological restoration and farming, but bear with me. Even though my guest today, Dr. Gerrit Kefersteinā€™s studies focused on health and high performance in sports, his […]

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What does a transition from conventional to regenerative agriculture actually look like? With Michael Reber

Todayā€™s interview has been in the making for me for a couple years now. I first got to know Michael Reber through the pioneer program with Climate Farmers that I directed two years ago. Through that program we guided farmers from around Europe through existing online regenerative farming courses and helped them to adapt the information and techniques to their own businesses and contexts. By this point Michael had already gone through a few major transitions on his own farm and was in the process of diving deeper into soil health and improving the soil function on his 200 hectare […]

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perennial plants


Could this be the most versatile tool for homesteads and small farms? Zach Loeks explains

Many of you will remember my guest today from the three other interviews Iā€™ve done with him over the years. Zack Loeks is a good friend and a maverick of many regenerative skills and knowledge. From growing up on a permaculture homestead in northern New Mexico as a kid, to farming commercially in Canada, teaching edible ecosystem design through Ecosystem U, designing and installing edible ecosystems and many more side projects, Iā€™m always thrilled to catch up with him.  In the past Iā€™ve interviewed him about his previous books ā€œ The Permaculture Market Gardenā€ and “The Edible Ecosystem Solutionā€ which […]

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regenerative skills


Richard Perkins on the process, preparation, lifestyle, and enjoyment of whole food

Now that Iā€™m spending so much time out on the land here at the new farm Iā€™m becoming a lot more conscious of my health. Nutrition has been really important for me in the last handful of years as Iā€™ve struggled to overcome the chronic digestive issues that plagued me until my 30s. Over time Iā€™ve dug deeper into whole food nutrition, fermentation and the gut microbiome, the importance of healthy fats and unpasteurized products, and quite a few others.  At the same time, Iā€™ve read and researched a lot of work thatā€™s very dogmatic and extreme in their nutritional […]

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Growing Food


A step by step guide to making your own microorganisms and natural fertilizers with Lorenzo Costa

Today Iā€™m going to give you a window into the series of Skill Exchange calls that I host regularly for the members of the Climate Farming community. The community is open to any active farmer in Europe and together weā€™ve co-created an online learning space for farmers to connect with one another, share ideas and knowledge, and receive support from their peers.This series of Skill Exchange calls is part of my ongoing effort to create a free library of farmerā€™s presentations on tips and abilities theyā€™ve found success with throughout the diverse farming operations that are represented in our groups.  […]

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Growing Food


The key to growing more resilient and nutrient dense food, with Julia Dakin

In my work with farmers and clients Iā€™ve always looked for the leverage points where small actions can lead to the largest changes and progress. Where is it that a beginner or novice can invest some resources and make big leaps rather than burning out for small results. In fact, as Iā€™m in the early stages of renovating my own house and farm, this is a source of constant reflection for me as well.This line of thinking has led me to focus so much on water, since basically all life is dependent on it, and if you can keep your […]

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How to


Working with water on the frontline of European desertification

If youā€™ve been following the episodes so far this season, you know Iā€™ve got a lot of projects and travels going on right now. Since the episode I recorded in Nicaragua, Iā€™ve also been on a project on the island of Madeira and just two days ago I got back from a 9 day trip to Portugal. Though I havenā€™t been able to record everything like a diary the way I would have liked to, today I did get a chance to sit down with Nick Steiner who was with me every step of the way during the tour around […]

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Post pandemic zero input gardening and a vision of a biointegrated human future, with Shane Simonsen

Iā€™ve got a treat for you all today. After almost 3 years, Iā€™ve got Shane Simonsen back on the show. For those of you who are not familiar with Shane, Iā€™ll give a quick intro and then point you to the links to the two previous shows I recorded with him because theyā€™re really worth while.  Shane is a biologist who has a fascinating project on 40 acres in Queensland, AU centered around the concept of zero input farming, which also happens to be the name of the popular blog heā€™s written about it, which is one of the most […]

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soil building


Nicole Masters on the important role of coaching to unlock your farm’s potential

One of the most important resources weā€™ve been working to create for our network of farmers here in Europe through my work at Climate Farmers is what weā€™ve called our coach matching service. Weā€™ve long since seen that one of the hurdles that farmers face in their transition to regenerative agriculture is either one of two things. Either not the right specific information and support based on their unique context, or as is more common in the internet age, too much information to the point of overwhelm, inaction, and self doubt.The truth is that  having too much information fighting for […]

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