business building

Permaculture business planning for the modern economy with Joe Goerbert, founder of Brainhive: 120


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Joe Goerbert for Abundant Edge.png

In this session I had the pleasure of sitting down with a good friend of mine from my time living back in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Joe Görbert is a German-born, tech enthusiast and hails from more than a decade as startup and business impact consultant. During his finance and accounting studies he started working as a business writer and he travelled far and wide as a digital nomad, often speaking and holding workshops for retreats and events. In 2007 Joe founded the business planning agency BrainHive, and the BrainHive Ethical Marketing agency. His current project is called the SolReign School of Human Potential.

 In this interview Joe and I work through the three parts of hiss plan for permaculture based businesses called, Permaculture Planning: Lean Ways of Estimating Costs, Flows and Growth.

In the first part focusing on Setting up Financial Plans for Permaculture Projects we talk about the importance of gathering information, Setting up a financial plan, The art of coming up with estimates, and Planning for both bliss and disaster

In Part two Joe covers the idea of pitching your idea and the nuts and bolts of operating a business in a competitive market without compromising your vision.

In part three we discuss the greater vision of a regenerative business such as healing damaged land, maintaining transparency, and the larger concept of human potential on this earth.

This is a much longer conversation than I usually post, clocking at over two hours, and though we cover a lot of important information on ethical business, especially from a tech and online perspective, we also tell a lot of stories from our experiences in the unique contexts in which Joe and I have been entrepreneurs. If the long form conversation isn’t your cup of tea, then check out the show notes for this episode at where I’ve linked to a whole bunch of articles that Joe has written on a whole range of business topics that I think will be especially relevant to many of you listening, including business plans for eco-villages and intentional communities, social impact business models, security planning for off grid communities, grant writing and a lot more. This being a candid conversation, there is a little bit of cursing, so just be forewarned.


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