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76 Results / Page 6 of 9

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1020

Design Criteria


Is permaculture still relevant to small farms and local food security? With Loren Luyendyk of Permaculture Intl.

Permaculture has done an incredible job of raising awareness of natural land management techniques and teaching people to observe and read the patterns of the natural world to inform their interactions with the environment, but it often gets criticized for being impractical when it comes to apply its methods to […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1826
  • 1

Regenerative living


Championing a regenerative farming revolution in Europe, with Richard Perkins, author of Regenerative Agriculture

Welcome back everyone to this ongoing series on regenerative agriculture. Last week we kicked off with an interview with Joel Salatin and in this session I’ve got another great interview with one of the most influential regen ag practitioners in Europe. There are a lot of inspiring voices in the […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 2533
  • 1
  • 1



how to grow a mature Native forest in just a few years, with afforestt founder Shubhendu Sharma: 146

Welcome to the last interview in the Reforestation and Agroforestry series. We’ve covered so many important aspects of this topic in 10 interviews over 4 months. I’ve spoken to homesteaders regenerating cloud forests in tropical climates, tech companies with more than 20 tree planting initiatives around the world, agroforestry and […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 653


A strategy for a global shift to perennial agriculture, with Professor Peter Kahn from Rutgers University: 140

In all the research I’ve been doing for this ongoing series on reforestation and agroforestry I’ve struggled to find any reports or serious articles that outline the potential steps to transition the world’s agricultural model on a large scale from one that’s based on annual crops and the intensive cultivation […]