
371 Results / Page 26 of 38

Alternative Communities
  • 842



Building an off-grid intentional community in the Canadian wilderness with Peter Wildemann of the Zenith Project: 110

Continuing with this month’s focus on regenerative community models I had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Wildemann, co-founder of the “Zenith Project” an eco-village/intentional community in the Canadian wilderness. Peter is passionate about supporting people to live their highest purpose in the context of mutually supportive community by creating a […]

Alternative Communities
  • 427



Creating a regenerative social network with Magenta Ceiba, executive creative officer of Bloom Network: 109

Today we’re going to kick off a month-long exploration of various community models that are focused on regenerating environments, communication, and healthy cultures. In the next three weeks we’ll be looking closely into regenerative social networks, ecovillages and cohousing configurations. As the regenerative movement builds momentum around the world, people […]

  • 1169
  • 2



The definitve guide to worm farming, with Rhonda Sherman, author of “The Worm Farmer’s Handbook:” 107

My guest today, Rhonda Sherman, is the director of the Compost Learning Lab at North Carolina State University and a leading expert on vermicomposting. Rhonda travels extensively to present workshops and to consult with farmers, businesses, and institutions on the development and management of vermicomposting systems. She also organizes the […]

  • 484

regenerative agriculture


The definitive guide to no-till organic farming part 2, with Andrew Mefferd, author of “The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution”: 106

Welcome back to the definitive guide to no-till organic gardening. In this session we’ll pick up where we left off with Andrew Mefferd, editor of “Growing for Market Magazine” and the author of “The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution.” In last week’s episode we talked mostly about Andrew’s journey into farming […]