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The Japanese traditions and techniques of natural plasters with Kyle Holzhueter: 089

Those of you whoā€™ve been listening to this podcast for a while know that I geek out big time when it comes to natural plasters and finishes. So you can imagine how excited I was to get to talk to kyle holzhueter, a certified plasterer who learned his trade and got his certification in Japan where the traditional style and techniques are surprisingly different from those that Iā€™ve become accustomed to from the western world. In this interview we cover those important differences which, though less flashy and aesthetic than the natural plasters you may have seen on many natural […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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regenerative agriculture


Animal pens, native plant nursery and teaching at the farm: RRT 10

In this month;s regenerative round table Jeremy and Oliver discuss the challenges of managing a lot of animals in a small space and some of the problems with keeping pests and predators out. We cover the progress on the little coffee beneficio, plastering the house, producing native and edible plants for ourselves and clients and all of the progress over the last few weeks of developing our little farm on lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Resources: Abundant Edge course schedule Volunteer with us at Granja Tzikin

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Natural Building Essentials
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An intro to design and siting for natural buildings: 087

Get the design and siting PDF here In this special episode, Oliver goes into one of the key lectures in the Intro to Natural Building course on some of the most important considerations and bits of information to consider when designing a natural building and choosing a site for the structure. In this episode we cover many iconic natural building styles, considerations for different climates and regions, designing for function, determining needs and wants, and a whole lot more. Donā€™t forget to download the accompanying PDF document in the show notes for this episode at Resources: Get the design […]

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The reality of natural building and designing for your climate with Ziggy Liloia from “The Year of Mud”: 086

My guest today, Ziggy Liloia from ā€œthe year of mudā€ has been building naturally and blogging about his experiences for a decade since he started with a small cob cottage, just over 200 sq ft at an ecovillage in Missouri back in 2008. Since then he has explored many other materials and techniques and joins us today to talk about the myths and realities of natural building, especially when it comes to costs, climate appropriate design, and labor considerations. In this interview Ziggy and I discuss some of the mistakes and learning experiences that have informed the way we design […]

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How to


Reviving rammed earth and hybrid natural buildings with April Magill of Root Down Designs: 085

Rammed earth is one of the earthen building techniques that I personally have the least experience with, but since it has been steadily growing in popularity around the world for its beauty and durability I reached out to April Magill of Root Down Designs to find out more about how this ancient vernacular building technique is being revived in the southeastern US and what challenges there are to getting rammed earth buildings permitted and accepted. In this interview April talk about how rammed earth structures help to combat some of the biggest challenges of building in her region such as […]

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soil building


Designing for the 4th dimension and regenerating damaged ecosystems with Nelson Lebo of the Eco School: 083

The international presence of the permaculture movement has always been an inspiration to me and in todayā€™s interview I had the pleasure of talking with Nelson Lebo of the Eco School in Whanganui in the north island of New Zealand. Nelson first reached out to me after hearing about some of our similar experiences on this podcast and I became fascinated with the development of his own farm with the unique factors in his area of New Zealand. In this interview Neslon speaks in depth about why he prefers to work with severely degraded land rather than pristine ecosystems, and […]

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Resettling in a new environment and building a new off-grid lifestyle with “Dirt Witch” Atulya Bingham: 082

Itā€™s time once again to check in with Atulya Bingham, one of my favorite voices and innovators in the natural building world. Atulya is the author ā€œMud Mountain, Mud Ballā€ and the newest release ā€œDirt Ā Witch,ā€ each of which tell the story of her journey of building her own home and alternative lifestyle, first in Turkey and most recently her move to the north of Spain. In the last interview I did with Atulya back in season one, she was still on the road searching for her new home. This time we catch up with her now that sheĀ“s found […]

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The incredible potential of aquaponics with Dr Wayne Dorband: 081

I have many heroes in the regenerative economy and my guest today certainly ranks up at the top. Wayne Dorband and his online educational platform, the Ecolonomics Action Team (or EAT for short) has been putting an amazing webinar series with some of the best educators and practitioners out there for years now and Wayne himself is a great example of a successful serial entrepreneur of regenerative enterprises. Above all though, I reached out to Wayne to get his expert opinion on aquaponics and aquaculture systems. In this interview Wayne uses examples from his own commercial aquaponics system centered around […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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Mitigating natural disasters and forming a permaculture landscaping collaboration: RRT 8

Welcome back to the regenerative round table. Today Neal and Oliver are joined by “Bamboo” Charlie Rendall, natural builder and founder of Return to the Forest as we talk in depth about new developments and progress on the Abundant Edge farm (aka Finca Tz’ikin). We recently had a new drainage channel open up right next to the farm so as we scramble to shore up the northern border of our land and divert any potential water away from the house we discuss the many ways that you can mitigate the risks and damage from a severe weather event when it […]

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The ever curious gardener with author and soil scientist Lee Reich: 079

In my focus and passion for designing beautiful, functional and holistic buildings and landscapes, itā€™s easy to get caught up in the macro and forget the micro, or to put it another way, for as important as the big picture is, the interactions at the ground level and the beauty of the relationships that you can develop with the plants that enrich the earth are certainly not to be forgotten. For insight on these relationships I turn today to Lee Reich, a master gardener who holds a graduate degree in soil science and a doctorate in horticulture and who has […]

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