professional builders

Voices of natural and alternative building, an Abundant Edge special episode


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I haven’t done a special episode in a long time, in fact I haven’t done any at all this season and it’s been a while since I’ve done a Regenerative Round Table since I’ve been transitioning from the farm where I lived with my colleagues in Guatemala until May of this year to where I am now, which is a small town about a half hour north of Barcelona in the beautiful Mediterranean region of Catalunya in Spain. In the last few months I backpacked up through southern Mexico, spent a month visiting family in Spokane Washington, then another month visiting my brothers and nephew in Minnesota where we grew up. I’ve been in Spain just under two months and am working with my partner here to start a whole bunch of exciting new projects both online and in the community here which I’ll be sure to talk about in future episodes once things get off the ground. 

Today I’m going to be giving a review of the previous series on natural building and regenerative living and design from the last handful of weeks for those of you who want the cliff notes and the most important information from about a month and a half of episodes. I’ll be talking about some of the main takeaways and things that I learned from these interviews as well as presenting new questions to you out there listening while sharing some thoughts and stories from some of my own experience as a builder and traveller that have taught me a lot over the last decade


CRI interview on making cob legal

Atulya Bingham on all the uses of lime

Benito Steen on natural plasters

Dan Chiras on home scale renewable energy

Daniel Allen on aircrete

April Magill on hempcrete and natural home renovations

Mark Lakeman on healthy community design

Kirk Mobert on Innovations in rocket stoves

Trey Abernathy on building with bamboo

Chris Magwood on choosing the correct natural building materials

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