
346 Results / Page 23 of 39

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Growing Food


Is it Realistic to Produce All Your Own Food? with Deborah Niemann, author of “Homegrown and Handmade”

Continuing with this ongoing series on homesteading, I reached out to Deborah Niemann, the author of many books including ā€œHomegrown and Handmade, Eco-thrifty, Just Kidding and Raising Goats Naturallyā€ which is now in its second edition. She also blogs at, hosts the podcast ā€œFor the love of goats’ ‘ […]

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Animal care


Essential things to consider when making the shift to a homesteading lifestyle, with Natalie Bogwalker of Wild Abundance

In the past Iā€™ve done a lot of episodes focusing on specific skills and enterprises that people integrate into a regenerative lifestyle, but in this series Iā€™m going to be speaking with people whoā€™ve put a bunch of those pieces together into a lifestyle centered on positive interactions with nature […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
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Regenerative living


11 Inspiring Examples to Give You Hope That the World’s Forests can be Regenerated

After 11 interviews with experts on native reforestation, holistic orchard management, water retention landscapes, perennial crop agriculture and more, I learned a lot of new things about the state of the world’s forests and the tools and knowledge we have to regenerate them. In this special episode wrapping up the […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
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how to grow a mature Native forest in just a few years, with afforestt founder Shubhendu Sharma: 146

Welcome to the last interview in the Reforestation and Agroforestry series. Weā€™ve covered so many important aspects of this topic in 10 interviews over 4 months. Iā€™ve spoken to homesteaders regenerating cloud forests in tropical climates, tech companies with more than 20 tree planting initiatives around the world, agroforestry and […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
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How to


Turn your orchard into a resilient ecosystem with these steps! From Stefan Sobkowiak of Miracle Farms: 143

Weā€™ve covered so many different ways to approach reforestation, both with native species and mixes of natives and orchard trees. In todayā€™s session I wanted to focus on fruit orchards and I got to speak with the wizard behind Miracle Farms and the film, ā€œThe Permaculture Orchardā€ Stefan Sobkowiak. Iā€™ve […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
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regenerative design


Why forests are key to the future of agriculture, with Darren Doherty, co-author of the Regrarian’s Handbook: 142

The last time I caught up with Darren Doherty for this podcast was back in season two. We talked a lot about his background and entry into ecological agriculture and how that journey informed his development of the Regrarianā€™s platform and outlook on the potential of regenerative farming. I recently […]