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The unique beauty and challenges of domes, with Kelly Hart author of “The Essential Earthbag Construction:” 059

My guest today is Kelly Hart, author of Earthbag building which is part of the ā€œessentials series on natural building put out by New Society Publishers. He is also the founder of,,, and a few others. Today we tackle one of the most constant questions that I get asked as a natural builder and that I hear the most debate over in online forums and thatā€™s the subject of domes and their advantages and disadvantages. Kelly shares wonderful insights from building earthbag domes and living in one for many years. We both share our own stories of […]

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Community building


How to live regeneratively without abandoning society with Scott Mann, host of “The Permaculture Podcast:” 058

In keeping with my kick on finding new and unique ways to implement permaculture principles and design techniques in ways outside of just land management and natural building Iā€™ve got an excellent guest for you today. You probably know Scott Mann as the host of ā€œThe Permaculture Podcastā€ the longest running podcast on permaculture which has been going strong for more than seven years now. In that time he has gained remarkable insights from some of the most prominent leaders and changemakers in the regenerative economy. Today Iā€™ll be asking Scott about the changes that heā€™s made in his own […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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Natural Building


It’s all about Goats! and a few other important things, but really GOATS!: RRT 2

Welcome to this month’s regenerative round table. In this session we talk about our newest additions to the family, the GOATS! Neal and Oliver go into the details behind the goat pen design, and Jeremy talks about mushroom production and the extension of the water and irrigation systems. We also discuss the importance of getting your hands dirty and the reality of implementing your designs. All that and more as we give you a direct window into the development of our regenerative homestead model. If you would like your own questions answered by the AE team, you can write to […]

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hybrid buildings


How does natural building stack up to industrial alternatives? with Conrad Rogue of House Alive: 056

Let me introduce you today to one of my favorite gurus of natural building. Conrad Rogue is the founder of ā€œhouse aliveā€ and has been pioneering cob building for many years and is the author of ā€œhouse of earth: a complete handbook for earthen construction.ā€ For over 15 years House Alive has taught more than 1000 students how earthen building materials can enhance and uplift our built environment in a simple and elegant way. I reached out to Conrad initially to commend him for an article he wrote called ā€œcob speedā€ which beautifully deconstructs the comparisons between industrial and earthen […]

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Community building


Applying permaculture to your life and social interactions with Isabelle Fortier of EgoEco: 055

Iā€™ve become really passionate about finding unconventional applications for permaculture design principles and today is a perfect example of someone who is exploring the ways that permaculture can be used to create stronger social and interpersonal structures. Isabelle Fortier is the founder of whose mission is to inspire people to move towards a higher sense of well-being, to live differently and more in line with their values, all the while contributing to the development of an ecologically responsible society. For nearly 10 years, Isabelle acted as a spiritual life and community involvement facilitator at a CEGEP where she offered […]

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reuse and recycle


Natural regenerative housing for veterans with Ted Brinegar of Foxhole homes: 054

Todayā€™s guest, Ted Brinegar, is pushing the boundaries of natural and regenerative low-cost housing with his non-profit organization called ā€œfoxhole homes.ā€ These earthship-inspired homes are designed to serve the needs of homeless veterans, but also to help redefine what kind of lifestyle thatā€™s possible on a very limited income. Foxhole homes are designed to be entirely off grid and to produce much of their own food too. In this interview Ted explains the inspiration behind the holistically regenerative design of the structures, with a whole slew of low cost appropriate technology working to make the most of every resource and […]

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Regenerative Round Table
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Regenerative Round Table


Designing for abundance, biochar production and plant propagation: RRT 1

Welcome to the first “Regenerative Round Table” with the Abundant Edge team. In this new segment we got together at the AE demonstration homestead to have one of our regular evening chats, but this time we turned the mics on and gave it a bit of structure. In this episode we talk about the design and implementation strategy for the site, the apprentice and volunteer program that we’re in the middle of, and we also answer listener questions from the facebook page about biochar production and plant propagation. This is our first time recording our discussions, so bear with us […]

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The wild potential of mycology with Peter McCoy, author of Radical Mycology: 052

Today weā€™re gonna take a deep dive into the wide world of mycology and fungi with Peter McCoy, the author of Radical Mycology and founder of Mycologos, a new online educational platform for courses on mushroom and fungal cultivation and knowledge. Peter has been studying mycology for more than 16 years and is one of the foremost educators and promotors of the potential of fungi. In this interview we explore some of the many practical and exciting applications of mycelium such as building healthy soil, reviving contaminated sites and polluted ecosystems, medicine and nutrition, transforming waste products and even biological […]

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social network


A look at a multifaceted agrarian community revival initiative with Rachael Forster of Tamar Grow Local: 051

Today I have a remarkable guest, Rachael Forster, who works with a cutting-edge non-profit organization called ā€œTamar Grow Local.ā€ Normally I like to give an overview of the speaker and their projects and expertise before the start of an interview, but though I tried to do that, Rachael and Tamar Grow Local are both quite tricky to sum up. Their initiatives and goals in the community are very far reaching and intricate, but what I can say is that theyā€™ve helped to make huge strides in promoting regenerative farming and market gardening in the Tamar valley, a historical farming region […]

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Pushing the boundaries of restoration agriculture with Mark Shepard, author of Restoration Agriculture: 050

Welcome to the first episode in season 2 of The Abundant Edge Podcast! We have so many exciting interviews and information coming up for you in 2018 and this week’s session is a perfect example of that. Today we’re going to be speaking with Mark Shepard of New Forest farm in Viola, WI and author of Restoration Agriculture, one of the most iconic books on profitable regenerative production methods anywhere. I’ve been a big fan of Mark’s work and teachings since I first saw his farm profiled on a remarkable documentary called ā€œinhabitā€ that highlights inspiring examples of permaculture around […]

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