
371 Results / Page 1 of 38

  • 24



Pioneering regenerative dairy production, with Phyllis Van Amburgh

At this point I’ve covered a wide array of practices and management styles that fall under the broad umbrella of regenerative agriculture. Some could be considered traditional while others are more modern and innovative and they span continents, climates, biomes and industries. Nonetheless I’ve noticed a pretty big gap that […]

  • 8

How to


Diary of a water restoration design and install

Welcome to the first epsiode of season 7! So much has happened in the month between the last episode where I introduced my partner Alba and our new home and farm in Spain. There have been a lot of projects both inside the house, out on the land, and within […]

  • 438

regenerative agriculture


Mateusz Ciasnocha on understanding the coming changes to the European common agriculture policy (CAP)

Ever since moving to Europe three years ago, I’ve been working to understand both the differences and similarities between the cultural, societal, and governmental background that I’m more familiar with from the USA and Mesoamerica compared to Spain and the larger European Union. Especially since my work is centered around […]

  • 562
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Regenerative living


Ben Law on the way of the woodsman

Welcome to a special episode edition of this ongoing series focusing on tree planting and agroforestry. Often when we think about agroforestry we think first about food. Orchards of fruit and nut crops are certainly an important aspect of agroforestry, but so is the responsible harvesting and care for woodlands […]

  • 1156

native plants


Hannah Lewis on the mini-forest revolution

Welcome back to this ongoing series on tree planting and agroforestry. As I’ve been researching this topic for years I’ve begun to see a spectrum of tree planting concepts that look like a gradient based on the diversity in the system. On one extreme you have monoculture orchards and timber […]

  • 563

How to


Taryn Lane on how to mobilize a community to reach net zero

As I continue to explore the knowledge and wisdom of people around the world working to build and strengthen their communities, I’ve been uncovering inspiring examples of local initiatives striving for a carbon neutral future. Inspired to act by the global efforts to reduce nonrenewable fuel dependence and to uncouple […]

  • 1241

soil building


Nigel Palmer’s guide to DIY garden amendments

Let’s start 2022 off as the YEAR OF REGENERATION! Join the community call with me, Koen from “Investing in Regenerative Agriculture,” and Dimitri from “The Regenerative Agroforestry podcast” at 7pm CET on January 10th. Sign up through this link. Don’t hesitate, places are limited to 100. The topic of fertilizers […]

  • 388



Building community in agriculture: Expert panel 11

Welcome to the 11th of the monthly expert panel discussions, and our final panel of this year. Each month I’ve been hosting discussions and debates between some of the most prominent voices in regenerative agriculture, soil science, restoration land management and more. In this session I hosted a discussion on […]

  • 1312



Regenerating the biology in your soil: expert panel 4

Welcome to the fourth of the monthly expert panel discussions. As I mentioned in the past, each month I’ll be hosting discussions and debates between some of the most prominent voices in regenerative agriculture, soil science, restoration land management and more. If you’re a subscribing patreon member, you’ll also be […]

  • 450

regenerative skills


How to tell better stories

I remember distinctly the time that a storyteller came to my middle school when I was in 7th grade. At that point my school experience, like for many others, consisted of being talked to all day by someone at the front of the class while I struggled to pay attention […]

  • 367

Regenerative living


Exploring Regenerative Fashion: Expert panel 3

Welcome to the third of the monthly expert panel discussions. As I mentioned before, each month I’ll be hosting discussions and debates between some of the most prominent voices in regenerative agriculture, soil science, restoration land management and more. If you’re a subscribing patreon member, you’ll also be invited to […]

  • 4910
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The history and future of agroforestry

With regenerative agriculture and agroforestry increasingly becoming popular topics in environmental and even political circles. I wanted to do a one-on-one session with one of my favorite speakers in this sphere, Patrick Worms.  Many of you frequent listeners will remember him from the panel discussion on agroforestry two weeks ago […]

  • 2571



How to start a profitable Elderberry farm

How To Start A Profitable Elderberry Farm. Since I first arrived in the northeast of Spain a year and a half ago, I’ve been obsessed with getting to know the native plants in my area. I’ve been blown away by just how many edible and medicinal plants are all around […]

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Growing Food


The Future of Regenerative Agriculture, expert panel 1

Welcome to the first edition of our monthly expert panels. This first edition starts off strong by addressing one of the most talked about issues of our time; understanding the future of regenerative agriculture. For this panel I teamed up with my friends and collaborators at Climate Farmers. Together we’re […]

  • 1088

How to


How to Create a School Garden program

For this week’s episode I reached out to Kaci Rae Chirstopher, the author of the new book The School Garden Curriculum, about how to create a school garden program Kaci is the volunteer Farm and Garden Educator for Oregon’s Redband Ranch. She was also previously the School Garden Coordinator for […]

  • 1362

How to


How to create an edible ecosystem

have you ever wondered what the difference between a garden and an edible ecosystem is? Do you want to know how you can create one in you own yard? In this episode with author Zach Loeks from the Ecosystem Solutions Institute, you learn all that and more. We’ll walk you […]

  • 722

How to


How to Ask Better Questions for a regenerative future

To kick of the new season of the Regenerative Skills podcast I wanted to set the tone by highlighting the invisible secret to all the successful design decisions I’ve ever made. Learning how to ask better questions has so much power to reshape the way we see the world and […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 988
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regenerative agriculture


Regenerating lakes and ponds with floating islands, with Bruce Kania of Floating Island International

We’ve covered a ton of angles to this topic already, from fixing broken water cycles on the land with keyline planning and earthworks, to marine ecosystem restoration through conservation and even farming. In today’s episode I got to speak with Bruce Kania of Floating Island International which developed their patented […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 1338
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regenerative design


Reviving urban waterways with floating wetlands, with Galen Fulford from Biomatrix Water

Welcome back friends and family to this ongoing series on waterway regeneration. In the past three episodes I focused on marine regeneration through conservation as well as farming. Today we’re going to take a look at fresh water systems and specifically, how to decontaminate them through biological methods. I’ll be […]

  • 899
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9 steps for overall health and a strong immune system

A quick note before we get into it.  No supplement, diet, or lifestyle modification — aside from physical/social distancing, and practicing proper hygiene ⁠— has been proven to protect you from catching COVID-19. The strategies outlined below may boost your immune health and overall health, but they don’t protect specifically […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 2190



How to plant the rain in drylands and beyond, with Brad Lancaster, author of the Rainwater Harvesting books

In the last handful of episodes we’ve explored permaculture earthworks for water harvesting landscapes and keyline design on large scales. As a complement to those topics I got in touch with Brad Lancaster, the author Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, volumes one and two which have recently been re-released […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 1099

soil building


A Permaculture guide to Earth Surgery, with David “Doc Spice” Spicer

Tying in perfectly with last week’s interview with Zach Weiss about building ponds and water harvesting features, I spoke with David Spicer, affectionately known as Doc Spice, an accomplished permaculture designer who has specialized in earthworks installation. Having taught and worked on various projects extensively within Australia and internationally, in […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 2362



How to install ponds, dams, and water retention features, with Zach Weiss from Elemental Ecosystems

Welcome back to the ongoing series on waterway regeneration. Today’s interview is the second conversation I’ve had with Zach Weiss, the Protégé of revolutionary Austrian farmer Sepp Holzer and founder of Elemental Ecosystems, a company that designs and implements water harvesting landscapes and features for clients around the world.  Zach […]

Waterway regeneration
  • 879
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Why regenerating our oceans makes both public health and economic sense, with Dr. Enric Sala of National Geographic’s Pristine Seas Project

Welcome to the first episode in a brand new series focusing on waterway regeneration. In the last few years of hosting this show it’s become vividly clear to me just how important and yet overlooked an issue that the health of our water cycles are.  While the climate change narrative […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 655

regenerative skills


Steps to food security: saving seeds, with James Ulager, author of Beginning seed saving for the home gardener

Today’s guest is James Ulager, the author Beginning Seed Saving for the home gardener, and though this certainly isn’t a talk about farm scale seed saving and propagation, I thought it was essential to include in this series. In my opinion, seed saving and selective breeding is one of the […]

  • 3292
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Regenerative living


Kill your lawn, to bring life to your yard

Lawns are the most costly agricultural product in the USA, using more fertilizer and chemical treatment than any other major crop including corn and soy. On top of that, they’re the largest consumer of water, especially in arid regions that can’t naturally afford to keep green lawns all year. And […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 883

ecosystem regeneration


Bringing farmland back into the hands of our communities, with Ian McSweeny of The Agrarian Trust

One of the biggest challenges that I’ve heard repeatedly both in the interviews in this series on regenerative agriculture as well as with peers and clients that I’ve collaborated with, is the difficulty for aspiring farmers to get access to land. This is true back in the States as well […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1577

orchard management


Restoring Spain’s degraded farmland with regenerative agroforestry, with Alfonzo Chico de Guzman, president of AlVelAl

As I’m slowly becoming better connected here in Spain in the last year, one of the main projects in regenerative agriculture that keeps coming up in my research and the conversations that I have, is a fairly new project called AlVelAl which is located in Southern Spain, roughly in between […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1934
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regenerative food


What would agriculture look like with zero inputs? with Shane Simonsen, author of zero-input agriculture

Though I’ve been inspired by all the amazing examples of regenerative farming through the people that I’ve interviewed through this series, there’s one glaring commonality between all of them and that’s the fact that the success of their enterprises all rely heavily on the destructive infrastructure that we currently have […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1023



Is permaculture still relevant to small farms and local food security? With Loren Luyendyk of Permaculture Intl.

Permaculture has done an incredible job of raising awareness of natural land management techniques and teaching people to observe and read the patterns of the natural world to inform their interactions with the environment, but it often gets criticized for being impractical when it comes to apply its methods to […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 624



Creating the tools, resources, and community for a regenerative future in farming, with Ray Milidoni of Farming Secrets

Though regenerative agriculture has made huge leaps forward in the last decade, it still only accounts for a very small percentage of the farms around the world and even less in over developed countries. While we still have a long way to go make ecological land management practices the norm […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 919
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Pioneering the urban farm revolution, with Michael Ableman, author of Farm the City

Welcome back to another episode in the ongoing series on Regenerative Agriculture. Up until now I’ve spoken with growers and producers on cutting edge of profitable regenerative landbased enterprises and management techniques in rural areas, but there’s also a growing movement to produce food closer to where the heaviest concentration […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 530



Is hemp the answer to a regenerative future for American agriculture? with Doug Fine, author of American Hemp Farmer

I’ve been meaning to get in touch with someone who could explain to me the nebulous and exploding new farming industry around the ancient yet newly legalized hemp plant, and I found a gold mine of information in Doug Fine, the author of Hemp Bound and American Hemp Farmer. Doug […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 5738

How to


How to restore soil and ecological health on a massive scale with regenerative agriculture, with Gabe Brown, author of from dirt to soil

A lot of the farms that come to mind when I think of regenerative agriculture are smaller, more diverse and quite intensive, with many different crops and animals working in closer proximity with many stacked functions and a niche business model, but what can be done for all those vast [...]
Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1659

soil building


Essential tools to accelerate agricultural land regeneration, with Rhamis Kent, Co-director of the Permaculture Research Institute

My guest today is someone who has been an inspiration to me since I first began to study permaculture almost a decade ago. Rhamis Kent has been the man behind the scenes for some incredible regeneration projects around the world through his work with the Permaculture Research Institute in the […]

Regenerative Agriculture for a better world
  • 1831
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Championing a regenerative farming revolution in Europe, with Richard Perkins, author of Regenerative Agriculture

Welcome back everyone to this ongoing series on regenerative agriculture. Last week we kicked off with an interview with Joel Salatin and in this session I’ve got another great interview with one of the most influential regen ag practitioners in Europe. There are a lot of inspiring voices in the […]

  • 1203
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A guide to resilient living wherever you are

Welcome to another special episode! This week we’ll be wrapping up the series on modern homesteading by reviewing some of the most important information from the last 7 interviews. In those episodes we covered a ton of exciting topics from some of the best authorities in their fields from animal […]

  • 1433

intentional community


How to produce fresh food year-round, even in cold climates! With Pam Dawling, author of “The Year-Round Hoop House”

In the first half of this interview I spoke with Pam Dawling, the author of “The Year-Round Hoop House” about the most important information about siting, building, irrigating and soil care for extending crop growing in hoop houses. I tap in to Pam’s extensive knowledge of feeding 100 people in […]

  • 1324
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High Quality Food


Is it Realistic to Produce All Your Own Food? with Deborah Niemann, author of “Homegrown and Handmade”

Continuing with this ongoing series on homesteading, I reached out to Deborah Niemann, the author of many books including “Homegrown and Handmade, Eco-thrifty, Just Kidding and Raising Goats Naturally” which is now in its second edition. She also blogs at, hosts the podcast “For the love of goats’ ‘ […]

  • 1605
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Essential things to consider when making the shift to a homesteading lifestyle, with Natalie Bogwalker of Wild Abundance

In the past I’ve done a lot of episodes focusing on specific skills and enterprises that people integrate into a regenerative lifestyle, but in this series I’m going to be speaking with people who’ve put a bunch of those pieces together into a lifestyle centered on positive interactions with nature […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 2558
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How to


how to grow a mature Native forest in just a few years, with afforestt founder Shubhendu Sharma: 146

Welcome to the last interview in the Reforestation and Agroforestry series. We’ve covered so many important aspects of this topic in 10 interviews over 4 months. I’ve spoken to homesteaders regenerating cloud forests in tropical climates, tech companies with more than 20 tree planting initiatives around the world, agroforestry and […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 1548
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How to


Turn your orchard into a resilient ecosystem with these steps! From Stefan Sobkowiak of Miracle Farms: 143

We’ve covered so many different ways to approach reforestation, both with native species and mixes of natives and orchard trees. In today’s session I wanted to focus on fruit orchards and I got to speak with the wizard behind Miracle Farms and the film, “The Permaculture Orchard” Stefan Sobkowiak. I’ve […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 916



Why forests are key to the future of agriculture, with Darren Doherty, co-author of the Regrarian’s Handbook: 142

The last time I caught up with Darren Doherty for this podcast was back in season two. We talked a lot about his background and entry into ecological agriculture and how that journey informed his development of the Regrarian’s platform and outlook on the potential of regenerative farming. I recently […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 668



How your web searches can help reforest the world, with Pieter Van Midwoud, lead tree planting officer at Ecosia: 139

Continuing with this series on reforestation and agroforestry, I got the chance to speak with Pieter Van Midwoud, the lead tree planting officer of the search engine company Ecosia. I’ve been using Ecosia as my default search engine for a couple years now because of their claim to plant trees […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 364
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regenerative food


Alley cropping as a remedy for slash and burn agriculture with James Potter from the Indga Foundation: 138

The first three interviews in this ongoing series on reforestation and agroforestry have highlighted small personal projects on private land, each with a different person in south or mesoamerica whose primary motivations are to restore the forests and biodiversity of their land. In all three cases producing a viable agricultural […]

Reforestation and Agroforestry
  • 600
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Community building


Regenerating native forests on a large scale with Alex Kronick of Caoba Farms: 136

I’ve been so fortunate to get to speak directly with so many people who have created incredible examples of permaculture abundance and ecological health and resilience through this podcast, and though I’ve also gotten to visit many permaculture projects and practitioners, many of the ones I’ve seen in person are […]

Natural Building Essentials
  • 1959

professional builders


Benito Steen of “The Nito Project” on exploring new natural building techniques and teaching around the world: 131

Today’s guest, Benito Steen is one of the people that I’ve most had requested from you listeners to do an interview with, in large part because of the success of his YouTube channel called “The Nito Project” where he works with his younger brother Panther to make beautiful educational videos […]

Natural Building Essentials
  • 517
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The best options for home scale renewable energy with Dan Chiras, author of “The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy: 130

We’re now well into this on-going series on natural building and design, and we’ve covered bamboo building, rocket stoves, design at the building and community levels, and so much more already. One of the biggest topics that I haven’t yet explored on this podcast and has always interested me is […]

Natural Building Essentials
  • 868

professional builders


Limecrete and renovating old homes with natural materials, with April Magill of RootDown Design: 128

I finally had the chance to do a follow up session with one of my favorite natural builders, April Magill. She’s not only an accomplished architect, builder, and educator through her company “Root Down Design” and the American College of the Building Arts, she’s also constantly experimenting with new techniques […]

Natural Building Essentials
  • 944

building materials


The incredible potential of bamboo and building design for the tropics, with Trey Abernethy of “Natural Building Costa Rica:” 125

Continuing with this series of exploring natural building materials, design techniques and traditions, I spoke with my friend Trey Abernethy, a long-time builder and now a bamboo craftsman. For over a decade Trey worked in the industrial building trades before moving to Costa Rica where he took a bamboo building […]

Natural Building Essentials
  • 533

Regenerative living


Everything you need to know to get your natural building off the ground, with Chris Magwood, founder of the Endeavour Center: 124

I’ve been looking forward to speaking with my next guest for a long time now. Chris Magwood is the founder and director of the Endeavour center, which provides experiential education at the intersection of high-performance and natural building. Chris is a self proclaimed building “omnivore” who experiments with any and […]

Professional, Profitable, Permaculture
  • 576

Regenerative living


Designing regenerative landscapes for wildfire ecologies, with Erik Ohlsen, founder of Permaculture Artisans: 123

Today we’re back with Erik Ohlsen, founder of both Permaculture Artisans, one of the preeminent ecological landscaping companies in the US, and the Permaculture Skills center a vocational training school that offers advanced education in ecological design, landscaping, farming, and land stewardship. Erik is also the author of several books […]

Professional, Profitable, Permaculture
  • 801

blockchain for regeneration


Leveraging the block chain and decentralization for environmental regeneration with Gregory Landua of Regen Network: 118

Building on the theme of profitable ecosystem regeneration, I spoke to Gregory Landua, CEO and co-founder of the Regen Network. Gregory has worked in ecosystem regeneration for a while. Formerly working as the CEO of Terra Genesis, nova chocolate, the Regrarian’s platform and Gaia University. He is also the co-author […]

Regenerative Round Table
  • 283
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Healthy communication for communities through listening and story telling with Loxley and Rhapsody of “The Story Connective:” RRT 16

I’m so excited to share this interview with all of you, not only because I had such a good time speaking with Loxley and Rhapsody from the “Story Connective” but because they impart such incredible insights into story-telling, connecting to community, and a topic which I’m increasingly interested in, which […]

Alternative Communities
  • 441



Could co-housing be the revolution our communites need? with Alan O’Hashi board member of the US Co-Housing Association: 111

In our last interview in this month’s focus on regenerative communities, I had the pleasure of speaking with Alan O’Hashi, Alan is a newspaper journalist turned documentary filmmaker and screenwriter who works with groups and organizations to help them tell their stories and is also organizing an intentional creative community […]

Alternative Communities
  • 842

cold climate


Building an off-grid intentional community in the Canadian wilderness with Peter Wildemann of the Zenith Project: 110

Continuing with this month’s focus on regenerative community models I had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Wildemann, co-founder of the “Zenith Project” an eco-village/intentional community in the Canadian wilderness. Peter is passionate about supporting people to live their highest purpose in the context of mutually supportive community by creating a […]

Alternative Communities
  • 427

Regenerative living


Creating a regenerative social network with Magenta Ceiba, executive creative officer of Bloom Network: 109

Today we’re going to kick off a month-long exploration of various community models that are focused on regenerating environments, communication, and healthy cultures. In the next three weeks we’ll be looking closely into regenerative social networks, ecovillages and cohousing configurations. As the regenerative movement builds momentum around the world, people […]

  • 1166
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The definitve guide to worm farming, with Rhonda Sherman, author of “The Worm Farmer’s Handbook:” 107

My guest today, Rhonda Sherman, is the director of the Compost Learning Lab at North Carolina State University and a leading expert on vermicomposting. Rhonda travels extensively to present workshops and to consult with farmers, businesses, and institutions on the development and management of vermicomposting systems. She also organizes the […]

  • 483



The definitive guide to no-till organic farming part 2, with Andrew Mefferd, author of “The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution”: 106

Welcome back to the definitive guide to no-till organic gardening. In this session we’ll pick up where we left off with Andrew Mefferd, editor of “Growing for Market Magazine” and the author of “The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution.” In last week’s episode we talked mostly about Andrew’s journey into farming […]

  • 712
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Why storing water is more important than storing carbon with Zach Weiss from Elemental Ecosystems: 101

In this session I had the pleasure of speaking to the founder of “Elemental Ecosystems” Zach Weiss. Zach earned the distinction of being the first person to earn the Holzer practitioner certification from revolutionary Austrian farmer Sepp Holzer through a rigorous two-year apprenticeship working alongside Sepp in North America and […]

Professional, Profitable, Permaculture
  • 1186



Finding the story of a place and it’s true potential with Bill Reed, principal at Regenesis: 098

My guest today has been a big inspiration to me and has been a leader in regenerative design, pretty much before that was even a term. Bill Reed is an internationally recognized practitioner, lecturer, and authority in sustainability and regenerative planning, design and implementation. He is a principal in both […]

  • 437

High Quality Food


Fighting food apartheid and empowering people of color to get back to the land with Leah Penniman, author of “Farming While Black:” 091

Leah Penniman’s mission is to end racism and injustice in our food system by increasing farmland stewardship by people of color, promoting equity in food access, and training the next generation of activist farmers. Her new book, Farming While Black, has been called “a revolutionary work that opens important doors” […]

  • 344



Exploring the world of natural regenerative health with naturopathic doctor and herbalist, Crystal Honeycutt, part 1: 077

Regenerative living can be a very wide and nuanced topic. Today we’ll start on a two-part journey into a tricky and sometimes controversial world of holistic health and what it means to experience regenerative well-being. My guest today, Crystal Honeycutt, is an accomplished naturopathic doctor and registered clinical herbalist who […]

Special Episodes
  • 532

Design Criteria


The new “Abundant Edge design criteria checklist” is here. Jump-start your regenerative projects today with our free PDF guide: 073

The biggest challenge for our team here at Abundant Edge when it comes to holistic design is that there are just so many considerations. Climate and landscape data, client’s wants and needs, economic constraints and many more can seem overwhelming but are crucial to creating designs that work in harmony […]

Regenerative Round Table
  • 223

business building


Applying permaculture principles to your social business, and more with the founders of La Botica Verde: RRT 4

Welcome to a very special session of the Regenerative Round Table. Though Jeremy Fellows is away on a road trip through Mexico on his beloved bus sunny, we’re joined by two great friends and social entrepreneurs, Giuliana Gobbato and Michelle Sultan, founders of “La Botica Verde” who we featured in […]

  • 487

Natural Building


The unique beauty and challenges of domes, with Kelly Hart author of “The Essential Earthbag Construction:” 059

My guest today is Kelly Hart, author of Earthbag building which is part of the “essentials series on natural building put out by New Society Publishers. He is also the founder of,,, and a few others. Today we tackle one of the most constant questions that I […]

  • 266

social permaculture


Applying permaculture to your life and social interactions with Isabelle Fortier of EgoEco: 055

I’ve become really passionate about finding unconventional applications for permaculture design principles and today is a perfect example of someone who is exploring the ways that permaculture can be used to create stronger social and interpersonal structures. Isabelle Fortier is the founder of whose mission is to inspire people […]

  • 275



Mastering the educational side of permaculture and land management with Matt Powers, author of The Permaculture Student 2: 036

My guest today is Matt Powers, the inspirational author of The Permaculture Student, both 1 and 2. He’s also the creator of three successful kickstarter campaigns building advanced courses for permaculture designers as well as educators for many different age levels on a broad range of topics including regenerative landscape […]

  • 281

social permaculture


Promoting permaculture knowledge and environmental activism with Hannah Eckberg of Permaculture Magazine of North America: 023

My guest today is Hannah Eckberg. Along with being the co-founder, editor and creative director of Permaculture Magazine of North America, she has also been the president of “get oil out” which was recognized as the US’s first grass roots activist organization when she was only 19 and also the United […]

  • 348

social permaculture


Founding a sustainable living and education site, and working with the local community with Tim O’Hara of Rancho Mastatal: 021

My guest today is Tim O’Hara who’s the owner and founder of Rancho Mastatal sustainability and education center, one of the premier sustainable living education sites in the world. For more than 15 years Rancho Mastatal has been leading the way in permaculture, natural building, and regenerative living skills such […]

  • 718

business building


Building soil on a large scale and going beyond permaculture with Darren Doherty of Regrarians Ltd. Episode 017

My interview today is with one of the designers and change makers that has most influenced my own approach to professional projects and regenerative landscape development. Darren Doherty is the founder of Regrarians Ltd. Based in Bendigo Australia and he has extensive experience in project design, development, management and training. […]

  • 389

Design Criteria


Building community through natural building and urban permaculture with Janell Kapoor of Ashevillage Sanctuary and Kleiwerks Itl.

In this interview I had the pleasure of speaking with Janell Kapoor, founder of both Kleiwerks International. and the Ashevillage Sanctuary. Janell has been teaching natural building workshops all over the world since 1997 and founded Kleiwerks Intl. in 2004. She also ran some of the first earthen building trainings […]

  • 490



How to save huge on your heating costs and other innovative experiments with Paul Wheaton of “Permies” and “” 003

Paul Wheaton is easily one of the biggest personalities and voices in the permaculture world today with his sites Permies and Richsoil attracting thousands of visitors daily to the articles and forums. Paul has made waves in the past with his controversial opinions and advice on energy saving methods and techniques for growing a […]